The Stedman Course Pricker  Mark II

Generate courses of Stedman by clicking in the coloured calling squares next to the six-end numbers. One click for a bob, two for a single; click again to revert to a plain six. The Course Pricker works for any odd number of bells from 7 to 15, and you can try different course lengths and starting rows.

Once you've found a useful calling, you can save it, then continue experimenting with other variations. Click "Revert" to revert to a previously-saved calling. Note that all settings will be lost if you change the number of bells, or leave the Pricker web page.

Pricker Mark II allows you to create, prove, and save and restore compositions from text files. Use the Paste or Insert buttons to add pricked courses to the composition; double-click a course or press Copy to edit. The Load/Save and MSiril tabs can be used to load, save and export compositions. Use the Music tab to count musical changes.

Number of bells:
Starting Row:
Course length:  
Current calling:
Saved calling:


 Rolling course entry

Stedman Course Pricker
Copyright 2002 MBD